This IPA was one of those ones that are born out of the limited inventory that a home brewer sometimes has: limited space means limited grain storing capacity, so before you know it you have no base grains for ale, only those grains you got to make a lager "one day". With this realization, I took the thin lager grains, gave them some crystal malt for roastiness and added lots … [Read more...]
4C IPA Brewing Day – when repeating a recipe doesn’t come out as planned
A big part of making beer at home is to be able to repeat recipes, even if it is yours. I love experimenting, and too often I'm just making beer based on what ever ingredients I have, so I rarely actually follow recipes. Lately I've decided to try and repeat recipes, as part of making sure my process is right and I can actually control the brewing process. I am aware that this … [Read more...]
Black Wheat Brewing Day
After making my last wheat beer, I ended up with more wheat than I had planned, so I decided to try and make a different take on the wheat beer: a black wheat beer. I don't know what I have with trying to make a black version of various styles, maybe I just enjoy seeing people's expression when they taste a different flavour than they expect. In any case, making a black wheat … [Read more...]
IPA Brewing Day
I've dabbled in making an IPA a couple of times, but never really successfully. My biggest mistake was, well, not really getting what an IPA is. Basically, it is: a strong mild/pale ale that has more hops added in the boil and a lot more added as a dry hop. Essentially, you want to make a higher gravity beer that will have more in the hops front and a lot of dry hopping. My … [Read more...]