A big part of making beer at home is to be able to repeat recipes, even if it is yours. I love experimenting, and too often I'm just making beer based on what ever ingredients I have, so I rarely actually follow recipes. Lately I've decided to try and repeat recipes, as part of making sure my process is right and I can actually control the brewing process. I am aware that this … [Read more...]
Oh Mama APA Brewing Day
This American Pale Ale (APA) started as a standard Pale Ale and for most of the time I have been making it, it was made wrong, just wrong: way, way too bitter - tasty, but ended up growing some more hair on your chest - not and easy beer to drink. I guess it is always nice to understand that a recipe is developed, and not just made up, but with this I think I'm done - this is … [Read more...]
Low Gravity Pale Ale Brewing Day – Take 2
One of the house hold regulars is an American-style Pale Ale (APA) called "Oh Mama!" that has always been my wife's favourite, but since she got pregnant with our second she can only "steal" sips from my beer so I wanted to make her a very low alcohol version; that way she can have a full glass while still only getting one unit of alcohol (not that she even finishes that one!). … [Read more...]
IPA Brewing Day
I've dabbled in making an IPA a couple of times, but never really successfully. My biggest mistake was, well, not really getting what an IPA is. Basically, it is: a strong mild/pale ale that has more hops added in the boil and a lot more added as a dry hop. Essentially, you want to make a higher gravity beer that will have more in the hops front and a lot of dry hopping. My … [Read more...]
Low Gravity Pale Ale Brewing Day
The regular pale ale of the household (Oh Mama Pale Ale) has indeed became a must have in the fridge, especially in the summer - my wife loves it and I find it very refreshing. The big problem of late as far as beer drinking is concerned is that we found out that my wife is pregnant! We are expecting another child in the Minimalist household, and that means no more big … [Read more...]